
210. Exits: $10.8B Exit to Merck with Prometheus Biosciences CEO Mark McKenna

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The State of MedTech Hosted By Omar M. Khateeb
The State of MedTech Hosted By Omar M. Khateeb
210. Exits: $10.8B Exit to Merck with Prometheus Biosciences CEO Mark McKenna

00:00 Introduction and Welcome

00:32 Guest Introduction: Mark McKenna

00:42 The Prometheus Acquisition by Merck

01:01 Mark’s Career Journey and Decision to Join Prometheus

04:55 Challenges and Strategies in the First Year

06:48 Key Inflection Points and Fundraising

08:58 Building a Competitive and Sustainable Company

13:32 Navigating Market Challenges and Competition

19:33 Reflections and Leadership Insights

21:32 Future of Biotech and Industry Concerns

24:42 Conclusion and Farewell

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I’m Omar Khateeb

I’m Omar Khateeb. I help medtech sales people succeed by learning and leveraging skills that I developed initially for myself, to sell in medtech as a salesperson and sales leader.

I’m not a guru and I don’t have a grand theory. Instead there’s vision backed by experience and research. I know how to do it because I’ve done it, so I can show you how.

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