
37. RepLife: How Medical Sales Reps Should Get Paid for Their Advice (and time)

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The State of MedTech Hosted By Omar M. Khateeb
The State of MedTech Hosted By Omar M. Khateeb
37. RepLife: How Medical Sales Reps Should Get Paid for Their Advice (and time)

Today I cover a topic around charging for your time, and no you don’t need to be in the industry for years to do it! Ill cover how medical sales reps should protect their time, charge for it, and essentially make money giving advice they would otherwise give for free at a bar.

Want to level up in your sales career? See if you qualify for the Medical Sales Network Effects Program, a private community and course that teaches you the principles of psychology and persuasion and to leverage platforms like LinkedIn to brand yourself and sell at scale. Book time to learn more here: https://meetings.hubspot.com/khateeb/hydra-lead-gen-

Are you a Capital Sales Rep and want to submit your deal for Deal Rip Live? Submit anonymously at DealRip.com

In Medical Sales? Watch my free webinar on How I Booked 35 Hospital Deals in 60 Days Using LinkedIn https://bit.ly/3Artujf

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I’m Omar Khateeb

I’m Omar Khateeb. I help medtech sales people succeed by learning and leveraging skills that I developed initially for myself, to sell in medtech as a salesperson and sales leader.

I’m not a guru and I don’t have a grand theory. Instead there’s vision backed by experience and research. I know how to do it because I’ve done it, so I can show you how.

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